Sunday, July 21, 2013

History of Dinajpur Rajbari(part-2) Raja Sukhdhev Roy (1642 A.D-1677 A.D)

District Magistrate E. V Wesmacott (1872) has given as account of Sukhdev's estate, which suggests that during his period, he inchuded and extended his estate upto present Dinajpur and Thakurgoan district as, a considerable area consisting of greater West Dinajpur, Rangpur, Bogura and Maldesh district. In addition to that, at the time of Sukhdev or of his father, the zaminder family of khetal came to an end and the property was divided up.Seven out of sixteen parts went to Sukhdev Roy, whose father and grand father may have inherited the office of Dewan from their acestor and the remaining nine parts out of sixteen went to another officer, who founded the zamindar at Baradhan kuti or ldrakpur. In this way, Sukhdev expanded his assests to Ghoraghat and Nawabganj thanas of Dinajpur district. Adamdighi and Shibganj thanas of  Bogura Drstrict.Khetlal and Panchbibi thanas of Jaypurhat districts and Badalgachi thana of Naogaon districts. Regarding the distribution of Khetlal zamindari there is a different opinion that Khatta area of Bangladesh that was conquered and divided by by the Rajas of Nator and Dinajpur in Ramnath's time and Khangir area of Panchbibi thana was a joint accquistion with the Jahangirpur family during the period of Ramnath (Hamilton 1833). However, the zamindars of Dinajpur and ldrakpur divided their estate is which a way that each retained a share in every village, which eas inconvenient and generated conflict between the two families in later times. Sukhdev Roy obtanied the title  'Raja' from the Mughal emperor because he possessed a large territory in the north Bengal region.He died in 1677 and very little is known regarding his personal character and achievements to write his history. The "Sukh Sagar" or the sea of Pleasure is the only mere remnant, which he had excavated for the benefit of his subject and is a testament of his benebolent policy. Sukhdev had three sons i e Ramdev, Joydev and prannath.


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